Kaley Cuoco 
When Kaley Cuoco discovered that nude photos of her were stolen and posted online earlier this month she took it in stride.

The Big Bang Theory star sat down with late night host Jimmy Kimmel on Thursday and explained how she found out about them and how she explained them to family members.

Kaley admitted that she reads everything about her and "every day there's like 30 'Kaley Cuoco nude photos'" google alerts that she gets.

"It's been going on for years. It's all these fake ones," she explained.

"So then, this one came up, and I was like, 'Oh, it's another fake one...'"

Kaley then explained that people started calling her and she was shocked to learn that the photos released by a hacker over Labor Day weekend were actually real.

The actress said that once she learned that her personal, private photos were stolen and shared online, she let her parents know via email -- also explaining which tabloid rumors about her were true.

"I said, 'Just so you know, this happened... PS, I'm not pregnant; PSS, I'm not getting a divorce.'

"I was able to get everything out in an email, which was great. It was really bad situation."

Cuoco further poked fun at the leak, posting a pixellated shot of herself and her husband on the beach as a gag.src starpulse.com/

Check out her interview with Kimmel below.

Kaley Cuoco


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